Friday 24th April 21:45 | Sunday 26th April 22.15
"Street Straight into the Camera" - Il Parallelo - Francesco Lopergolo, Ferdinando Fasolo (Padova)
This projection was first shown in Padova for the launch of a new book and exhibition of the same name by Ferdinando Fasolo. The exhibition is displayed in the Oberwirt restaurant.
Ferdinand Fasolo is a photographer that has for years given great attention to the humanity of our life and has become an expert of Street Photography.
The story develops with sequences dedicated to the visual examination of the arabic world, to the frenzy of the city life, to the simplicity of the child’s play, to the beauty of the lives spent by the elderly... supported by a soundtrack which enhances the emotions.
Griesplatz (Piazza Gries)
Open Air - Free Entrance